Puccetti, LucaSelf-Learning Longitudinal Control for On-Road Vehicles
Kartoniert, KIT Scientific Publishing (2023)
44,00 €
inkl. MwSt.
lieferbar in 1-3 Werktagen
Reinforcement Learning is a promising tool to automate controller tuning. However, significant extensions are required for real-world applications to enable fast and robust learning. This work proposes several additions to the state of the art and proves their capability in a series of real world experiments.
Self-Learning Longitudinal Control for On-Road Vehicles
Puccetti, Luca
Kartoniert, 158 S.
graph. Darst.
Sprache: Englisch
240 mm
ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-1290-5
Titelnr.: 96681517
Gewicht: 396 g
KIT Scientific Publishing (2023)
KIT Scientific Publishing
Strasse am Forum 2
76131 - DE Karlsruhe
E-Mail: info@ksp.kit.edu
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