The publication of the Digital Services Act in the Official Journal marks the end of a years-long drafting and negotiation process, and opens a new chapter: that of its enforcement, practicable access to justice, and potential to set global precedents. The Act has been portrayed as Europe's new 'Digital Constitution', which affirms the primacy of democratic rulemaking over the private transnational ordering mechanisms of Big Tech. With it, the European Union aims once again to set a global stan ...
Putting the DSA into Practice
Enforcement, Access to Justice, and Global Implications
Buri, Ilaria
Kartoniert, 232 S.
Sprache: Englisch
190 mm
ISBN-13: 978-3-7575-1796-0
Titelnr.: 96347364
Gewicht: 277 g
epubli (2023)
Köpenickerstr. 154a
10997 - DE Berlin
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