Xu, YilinHybrid photonic assemblies based on 3D-printed coupling structures
Kartoniert, KIT Scientific Publishing (2023)
49,00 €
inkl. MwSt.

Photonic integrated circuits (PIC) become increasingly important for numerous applications. Mass production of PIC has become widely available, but large-volume low-cost photonic packaging still represents a challenge. Additive micro-fabrication of free-form optical coupling structures is discussed as a concept to overcome this technology gap. Multi-photon 3D-lithography is used to fabricate dielectric waveguides ("photonic wire bonds", PWB) as well as facet-attached microlenses (FaML).


Hybrid photonic assemblies based on 3D-printed coupling structures

Xu, Yilin

Kartoniert, 292 S.

graph. Darst.

Sprache: Englisch

210 mm

ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-1273-8

Titelnr.: 96465338

Gewicht: 620 g

KIT Scientific Publishing (2023)


KIT Scientific Publishing

Strasse am Forum 2

76131 - DE Karlsruhe


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