Erklärungsversuche zum Geschehen / An attempt to explain the storyI'm Stephan Vettel, an ambitious manager in the international business for high-tech weapon systems and I'm going to tell you how my own and my family lives were toppled upside down, after I escaped from the catastrophe of an airplane crash.Was it an attack to kill, an extended suicide attempt, or a chain of simple coincidences that brought the airplane down from the sky? It happened as the last in a series of hostile events. I'm ...
Death of a murderer
A thrilling trophy hunt leads from the Odenwald to British Columbia
Kellner, Werner
Kartoniert, 552 S.
Sprache: Englisch
190 mm
ISBN-13: 978-3-7565-1004-7
Titelnr.: 96006304
Gewicht: 538 g
epubli (2022)
Köpenickerstr. 154a
10997 - DE Berlin
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