The fundamental paradigm shift from traditional value chains to agile service value networks (SVN) implies new economic and organizational challenges. This work provides an auction-based coordination mechanism that enables the allocation and pricing of service compositions in SVNs. The mechanism is multidimensional incentive compatible and implements an ex-post service level enforcement. Further extensions of the mechanism are evaluated following analytical and numerical research methods.
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Coordination in Service Value Networks : A Mechanism Design Approach
Blau, Benjamin Sebastian
Kartoniert, XIV, 264 S.
graph. Darst.
Sprache: Englisch
24 cm
ISBN-13: 978-3-86644-724-0
Titelnr.: 32164422
Gewicht: 645 g
KIT Scientific Publishing (2012)
KIT Scientific Publishing
Strasse am Forum 2
76131 - DE Karlsruhe
E-Mail: info@ksp.kit.edu