Weinreuter, HannesDriver Behavior Analysis and Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving at Non-Signalized Inner City Intersections
Kartoniert, KIT Scientific Publishing (2025)
39,00 €
inkl. MwSt.

The focus of this work is on human driving behavior in road traffic. Two aspects of it are covered, the prediction of it, including the identification of relevant influencing factors, as well as the behavior generation for autonomous vehicles. The behavior prediction is based on a field study during which participants drove a measurement vehicle through inner-city traffic. Using the driven trajectories and lidar recordings complexity features to describe the surroundings at the intersection, th ...


Driver Behavior Analysis and Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving at Non-Signalized Inner City Intersections

Weinreuter, Hannes

Kartoniert, 230 S.

graph. Darst.

Sprache: Englisch

210 mm

ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-1393-3

Titelnr.: 97844151

Gewicht: 440 g

KIT Scientific Publishing (2025)


KIT Scientific Publishing

Strasse am Forum 2

76131 - DE Karlsruhe


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