Ultrasound Tomography is an emerging technology for medical imaging that is quickly approaching its clinical utility. Research groups around the globe are engaged in research spanning from theory to practical applications. The International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography (1.-3. November 2017, Speyer, Germany) brought together scientists to exchange their knowledge and discuss new ideas and results in order to boost the research in Ultrasound Tomography.
Ultrasound Tomography ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Medical Ultrasound Tomography: 1.- 3. Nov. 2017, Speyer, Germany
Kartoniert, 424 S.
graph. Darst.
Sprache: Englisch
24 cm
ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-0689-8
Titelnr.: 68244133
Gewicht: 1055 g
KIT Scientific Publishing (2018)
KIT Scientific Publishing
Strasse am Forum 2
76131 - DE Karlsruhe
E-Mail: info@ksp.kit.edu