This research contribution presents the Reactive Disaster and supply chain Risk decision Support System ReDRiSS which supports decision-makers of logistical disaster management in the immediate aftermath of a supply chain disturbance. ReDRiSS suggests a methodology which combines approaches from scenario techniques, operations research and decision theory. Two case studies are provided which focus on decision situations of humanitarian logistics and of business continuity management.
T ...
Decision support system for a reactive management of disaster-caused supply chain disturbances
Schätter, Frank
Kartoniert, 332 S.
graph. Darst.
Sprache: Englisch
21 cm
ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-0530-3
Titelnr.: 59192020
Gewicht: 610 g
KIT Scientific Publishing (2016)
KIT Scientific Publishing
Strasse am Forum 2
76131 - DE Karlsruhe
E-Mail: info@ksp.kit.edu