Sedlmeier, KatrinNear future changes of compound extreme events from an ensemble of regional climate simulationsDissertationsschrift
Kartoniert, KIT Scientific Publishing (2020)
43,00 €
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lieferbar in 1-3 Werktagen
In this work, the climate signal of temperature and precipitation extremes, namely hot and dry extremes in summer and cold and wet extremes in winter, was analysed for the near future (2021-2050). The analysis is based on an ensemble of 12 members at 7km horizontal resolution, generated with the regional climate model COSMO-CLM.
Near future changes of compound extreme events from an ensemble of regional climate simulations
Sedlmeier, Katrin
Kartoniert, 202 S.
graph. Darst.
Sprache: Englisch
210 mm
KIT Scientific Publishing (2020)
Gewicht: 380 g
ISBN-13: 978-3-7315-0476-4
Titelnr.: 81548057
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